Thursday, 20 February 2020

IPRS and Use of AirOxi Tube in the New Technologies Like IPRS / Raceway / White Water

IPRS and Use of AirOxi Tube in the New Technologies-AirOxi-Tube-Aeration-Solutions

IPRS which is also very popularly referred to as In Pond Raceway System which plays a vital role in enhancing the profits during the time of fish or shrimp farming. It is known that the maintenance of high levels of dissolved oxygen levels in the aquaculture is of immense importance. We at AirOxi very well understand the exact needs and requirements of the aquaculture farmers so that it is made sure that we effectively cater to those needs in the best possible manner.

AIRE O2 Aerator from Aeration Industries International

AIRE O2 Aerator from Aeration Industries International-AirOxi-Tube-Aeration-Solutions

Aeration is one of the most vital things in aquaculture and hence it is given a lot of attention for the achievement of the intended results. Proper and effective aeration plays a vital role in the determination of the rate of success of fish farming. This is exactly the reason as to why the fish farmers put a lot of stress on aeration. Now, in this regard, good quality and effective aeration equipment are necessary. In this situation, the Aire O2 aerator from Aeration Industries International serves great purposes by providing supreme quality aeration for aquaculture.