Saturday, 24 March 2018

Better Aeration To Increase Tilapia Growth In Saudi Arabia

Better Aeration To Increase Tilapia Growth In Saudi Arabia

The export of Tilapia is vital for Saudi Arabia, the fish species of Tilapia grow well in high densities when the water conditions are ideal. For the same the need for an aeration solution which can maintain high DO levels is a must regardless of the salinity in the water. Our Aeration solutions can function in the extreme environment for more information visit:

Friday, 23 March 2018

Introducing Our Propeller Based Bubble Aerator


We have ventured into propellor based aerators, take a detailed look at our new product the Aire-O2 Series II sub-aquatic aerator which is perfect for larger ponds. It oper­ates by cre­at­ing a par­tial vac­uum under the water, draw­ing air through the shaft and dis­pers­ing it into the water in a hor­i­zon­tal direc­tion. For more information visit: